Sunday, May 24, 2020

Durkheim s Influence On Sociology - 1240 Words

Please describe the impact Marx, Durkheim, Weber had on sociology as prominent contributors of the discipline. Durkheim and Max Weber, Marx is seen as one of the three founders of the social sciences. Emile Durkheim, was a French sociologist. His theories and writings helped establish the foundations of modern sociology. Durkheim disagreed with most social theorists of the late 1800 s because they thought that individual psychology was the basis of sociology. Durkheim regarded sociology as the study of the society that surrounds and influences the individual. Durkheim explained his theories in his book The Rules of Sociological Method (1895). He says there is relationship between moral values and religious beliefs, which establishes unity in society.Emile Durkheim has long been viewed as one of the founders of the so called variables oriented approach to sociological investigation. Durkheim developed the theory that societies are bound together by two sources of unity. He called these sources mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity refers to similarities that many people in the society share, such as values and religious beliefs. Organic solidarity resu lts from the division of labor into specialized jobs. Durkheim believed that the division of labor makes people depend on one another and thus helps create unity in a society. Durkheim studied thousands of cases of suicide to demonstrate his theory that a person commits suicide because of theShow MoreRelatedKarl Marx, Emile Durkheim And Max Webers Influence On Religion1727 Words   |  7 PagesThree theorists, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber, are undoubtedly the fathers of modern sociology. â€Å"Nineteenth century Western Europe was pounded by pivotal forces of transformation. Politics, education, religion, communication science, art, and social life were being revolutionized.† (Mohseni 1994;85) Each with distinct views on society and religion, these sociologists are and their theories are significant especially in the field of society. Just as much as they play a major role in theRead MoreEmile Durkheim s Influence On Society1562 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION Emile durkheim was a prominent french sociologist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This was the time when the sociologist like Karl marx and Max webber were on its peak and At the same time Durklheim was credited with great prestige principle founders of sociolgy. His philosophy has worked like fusion in society which was related from an individual to whole society.he claimed that socity is a â€Å"Sui Generis† Reality or a reality unique which is called ruductinist methodRead MoreLike Any Scientific Discipline, Sociology Has Its Own Object1455 Words   |  6 PagesLike any scientific discipline, sociology has its own object and subject of research. The object is understood as the sphere of reality that is to be studied, and to this the research is directed. Consequently, the object of sociology is society. But society is explored by many disciplines, such as history, philosophy, economics, political science, etc. At the same time, each of the named social sciences distinguishes its specific aspects, the properties of the object, which become the subject ofRead MoreEmile Durkheim s Influence On Society850 Words   |  4 PagesÉmile Durkheim was born in France in 1858 to a Jewish family and started attending a rabbinical school at a young age but eventually decided not to continue on that path and instead became an agnostic. He eventually went on to become a philosophy teacher and is considered to have played a pivotal roll in the rise of sociology. Durkheim believed that society shaped every aspect of human thought and behavior. He promoted the importance of society and suggests that without it things like art, familyRead MoreDescribe the Functionalist (Emile Durkheim), Conflict (Marxist) and Interactionist approach to the Socialization of Education.877 Words   |  4 PagesDescribe the Functionalist, Conflict and Interactionist approach to the Socialization of Education. Education - A Functionalist Perspective Emile Durkheim proposed an explicitly functionalist explanation of the role of education in society. The major function/task of education was, according to Durkheim, the transmission of society s norms and values. Durkheim considered that all societies must have means of passing on their norms and values to the young. If they did not, they could not continue. SuchRead MoreModernism vs. Post-Modernism1338 Words   |  6 Pagesare explained through sociology not psychology. (Durkheim). | 3.Some social phenomena will be misunderstood like suicide can also be explained psychologically . | Postmodernism is a complicated term, or set of ideas, one that has only emerged as an area of academic study since the mid-1980s. Postmodernism is hard to define, because it is a concept that appears in a wide variety of disciplines or areas of study, including art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology, communications, fashionRead MoreMax Weber And Durkheim s Views On Religion1250 Words   |  5 Pagesbeliefs and cultural systems that relate humanity to an order of existence. One of the foundations of religion is social orientation that in one way or another influence a society s social stability. Max Weber along with Emile Durkheim were very influential people in the course of social stability in the 19th century. Weber and Durkheim attempted to make comprehensible social changes, particularly in the aspects of religion of a society. Their perspectives on religion differ on some aspects. TheirRead MoreSociology : How Human Action And Consciousness Shape The Surroundin g Of Cultural And Social Culture1734 Words   |  7 PagesZygmunt Bauman once said, â€Å"The task for sociology is to come to the help of the individual. We have to be in service of freedom. It is something we have lost sight of.† This quote means the main purpose of sociology is to help people with our freedom of service, because it is something we as people lost sight of. Sociology can be defined by, as the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of socialRead MoreSociological Perspectives Of An Individual And Their Own Behaviour And The Society1126 Words   |  5 PagesIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES   Sociology studies the lives of an individual and their own behaviour and the society they live in (A. Giddens 2006). There are theoretical perspectives used so that one understands an individual behaviour and the society they live in. The sociological perspectives study each behaviour and how it is linked to the whole society or how the society influence the individual rather. The society is a diverse body and different perspectives is used to understand how they are linkedRead MoreSociology : A Sociological Perspective1292 Words   |  6 PagesOrigins of Sociology Ashley Drees Ivy Tech Community College Professor Brosmer April 10,2016 What is Sociology Sociology  is the  study of  social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. Sociology is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, disorder, and change. Three Main Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology Functional Perspective

Monday, May 18, 2020

Their Eyes Were Watching God - 556 Words

Their Eyes Were Watching God surrounds the life of Janie Crawford, a woman who was of mixed heritage. Janie had beautiful, long hair which was admired by most people that she met. Janie was raised by her grandmother since her own mother and father where absent in her life. Since a teen, she was obsessed with true love. Her first marriage was to Logan Killicks, a much older and unattractive man. Janie’s marriage to Logan was forced upon her by her grandmother and Janie resented her grandmother for this. Even though Logan took care of Janie, she was very unhappy with Logan and tried to love him but could not. While living with Logan, Janie meets Joe Starks. Joe is charismatic and full of ambition and promises Janie the life she knows she can’t have with Logan. She soon runs away with him to Eatonville, a town that Joe invests in and builds from the ground up. In Eatonville Janie is known as the â€Å"mayor’s wife† and is constantly belittled by her husband, Joe. He forces her to tie her hair up with a head rag in public and sometimes physically assaults her. After twenty years of marriage, Janie is sick of Joe and his constant attempts to make her subordinate to him. On Joe’s death bed, Janie finally speaks her mind to him and he dies. After Jody dies, Janie feels a new sense of freedom and liberation. After Jody’s death Janie unwraps her hair and is living happily single until she meets the handsome, ambitious, and much younger Tea Cake. Despite their drastic age difference,Show MoreRelatedTheir Eyes Were Watching God1064 Words   |  5 Pagessignificant than death. In Zora Neale Hurston’s famous novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, the main character Janie Crawford is plagued by the deaths of loved ones. Janie moves from caregiver to caregiver searching for true love and happiness, only to have it stripped away from her once she finds it in her third husband Tea Cake. At the end of the novel, having realized true love and loss, Janie is a whole woman. Their Eyes Were Watching God portrays the growth of the human spirit through both the emotionalRead MoreTheir Eyes Were Watching God1780 Words   |  8 Pagesshort story â€Å"Sweat† and novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, the focus is on women who want better lives but face difficult struggles before gaining them. The difficulties involving men which Janie and Delia incur result from or are exacerbated by the intersection of their class, race, and gender, which restrict each woman for a large part of her life from gaining her independence. Throughout a fair part of Zora Neal Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie’s low class create problemsRead MoreTheir Eyes Were Watching God932 Words   |  4 PagesJanie Crawford: The Woman Whose Clothing Conveys Her Relationships In Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, the protagonist, Janie, endures two marriages before finding true love. In each of Janie’s marriages, a particular article of clothing is used to symbolically reflect, not only her attitude at different phases in her life, but how she is treated in each relationship. In Janie’s first marriage with Logan Killicks, an apron is used to symbolize the obligation in her marriage. â€Å"Read More Eyes Were Watching God Essay711 Words   |  3 Pages Their Eyes Were Watching God provides an enlightening look at the journey of a quot;complete, complex, undiminished human beingquot;, Janie Crawford. Her story, based on self-exploration, self-empowerment, and self-liberation, details her loss and attainment of her innocence and freedom as she constantly learns and grows from her experiences with gender issues, racism, and life. The story centers around an important theme; that personal discoveries and life experiences help a person findRead MoreAnalysis Of Their Eyes Were Watching God 1061 Words   |  5 PagesDivision: Janie Crawford in Their Eyes Were Watching God Their Eyes Were Watching God was written in 1937 by Zora Neale Hurston. This story follows a young girl by the name of Janie Crawford. Janie Crawford lived with her grandmother in Eatonville, Florida. Janie was 16 Years old when her grandmother caught her kissing a boy out in the yard. After seeing this her grandmother told her she was old enough to get married, and tells her she has found her a husband by the name of Logan. Logan was a muchRead More Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay1757 Words   |  8 Pages Their Eyes Were Watching God Book Report 1. Title: Their Eyes Were Watching God 2. Author/Date Written: Zora Neale Hurston/1937 3. Country of Author: 4. Characters Janie Mae Crawford- The book’s main character. She is a very strong willed, independent person. She is able to defy a low class, unhappy life because of these factors, even though the environment that she grew up and lived in was never on her side. Pheoby Watson – Janie’s best friend in Eatonville. Pheoby is the only towns person whoRead MoreWhose eyes were watching God?1400 Words   |  6 PagesWhose eyes were watching God? In the movie Their Eyes Were Watching God, Oprah Winfrey manipulates events that happened in the book by Zora Neale Hurston. Oprah morphs many relationships in the movie Their Eyes Were Watching God. She changes the role of gender, and also makes changes in Janie’s character strength. Oprah also changes the symbolism in the movie to where some important symbols in the book change to less important roles. Oprah changes many important events in the book Their Eyes WereRead MoreTheir Eyes Were Watching God Essay724 Words   |  3 PagesTHEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD ESSAY  ¬Ã‚ ¬ Janie Crawford is surrounded by outward influences that contradict her independence and personal development. These outward influences from society, her grandma, and even significant others contribute to her curiosity. Tension builds between outward conformity and inward questioning, allowing Zora Neal Hurston to illustrate the challenge of choice and accountability that Janie faces throughout the novel. Janie’s Grandma plays an important outward influenceRead MoreEssay on Their Eyes Were Watching God921 Words   |  4 PagesTheir Eyes Were Watching God An Analysis So many people in modern society have lost their voices. Laryngitis is not the cause of this sad situation-- they silence themselves, and have been doing so for decades. For many, not having a voice is acceptable socially and internally, because it frees them from the responsibility of having to maintain opinions. For Janie Crawford, it was not: she finds her voice among those lost within the pages of Zora Neale Hurston’s famed novel, Their Eyes Were WatchingRead MoreTheir Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Hurston Essay1233 Words   |  5 PagesHurston In the novel â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God† by Zora Neal Hurston is about a young woman named Janie Crawford who goes on a journey of self discovery to find her independence. The book touches on many themes like gender roles, relations, independence and racism however racism isn’t mainly focused upon in the book which some writers felt should have been. Some felt that the representation of black characters should have been better role models. Zora Hurston’s novel wasn’t like other black literature

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

International Business - 604 Words

Doing business overseas requires the company to adapt to local laws and conditions in every country in which it operates. There are two steps that the organization should follow in order to prepare for doing business around the world. The first is that the company needs to have a set of guidelines for conduct that is consistent throughout the entire company. This would include a code of ethics that sets a minimum standard for behavior, regardless of what laws the company is subject to. Standardizing conduct and ethics throughout the organization helps to insulate against differences in laws and codes of conduct around the world. The other strategy is to work with people who are familiar with the laws of the foreign markets. There is little hope that a domestic company can become expert in the laws and ways of doing business in dozens of foreign countries. Thus, it is necessary to employ a local team, accounting team and perhaps even local teams for management and for human resources consulting. Many firms seek to reduce the risk associated with foreign markets by utilizing joint venture partners, as those partners have a much high degree of local market expertise than the American company could possibly have. Such an arrangement allows the American company to focus on its strengths marketing, brand building, and product development while leaving many of the operational issues like hiring, legal and accounting to the local partner (Clark, 2012). There are many issuesShow MoreRelatedInternational Business Ventures2671 Words   |  11 PagesInternational Business Ventures Measuring a potential business venture has many aspects which the international manager must be aware of in order to convey the correct information back to the decision makers. 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PrivateRead MoreInternational Business1578 Words   |  7 PagesInternational business contains all business transactions private and governmental, sales, investments, logistics, and transportation that happen between two or more regions, nations and countries beyond their political limits. Generally, private companies undertake such transactions for profit governments undertake them for profit and for political reasons. It refers to all those business activities which involve cross border transactions of goods, services, resources between two or more nationsRead MoreInternational Business And International Marketing1457 Words   |  6 PagesInternational business compares all commercial transactions like private and government, investments and sales and transportation which take place between two or more regions , nations and countries beyond their political boundries.simply international business is exchange of goods and services among business and individual in multiple count ries. International business such as an essential subject for students around the world because international business is vital ingredient in entrepreneurshipRead MoreInfluential Factors of International Business and International Business Environment4145 Words   |  17 PagesA Business Growth and Strategy Project On INFLUENTIAL FACTORS OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT By: Ankit D Jethani 6937 Business Environment consist of every factors influential to the business operations. These factors are classified into two broad categories. These are: a) External or UncontrollableRead MoreInternational Business Environment6667 Words   |  27 PagesModule specification INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Code: PGBM04 Credits: 15 Level: Masters FBL, Business School Board: Postgraduate Business Studies Learning Hours: 150 of which 30 CONTACT hours Rationale 1. The international business environment is multi-dimensional, including economic, political, socio-cultural and technological influences. While each can be viewed in specific national settings, increasingly they have become interrelated through processes of globalisation. In particularRead MoreInternational Business5797 Words   |  24 Pagesof world output and world exports accounted for by the United States and other long-established developed nations is unlikely. FALSE 23. (p. 21) A current trend in international business is the growth of medium-sized and small multinationals, known as mini-multinationals. TRUE 24. (p. 22) Today, the risks involved in doing business in countries such as Russia are low, but so are the returns. FALSE 25. (p. 23) If the free market reforms in China continue for two more decades, China may move fromRead MoreInternational Trade As A Tool For International Business1707 Words   |  7 Pagesfourteen asks some very important questions regarding international trade as SME and MNE evolve globally due to technology. Therefore as international business continues to evolve companies are find easier ways to find importers and exporters from the comfort of their offices without the costly methods of travel and due diligences trying to find reputable companies to handle their needs. Using a variety of sources I will analyze international trade through the use of websites and go into detail aboutRead MoreBusiness Administration International Business Essay1784 Words   |  8 PagesBUSINESS ADMINISTRATION amp; INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS In the literal meaning, Business refers to an organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. Business Administration has over the years taken the form of a formal field of knowledge, besides engineering medical and even closely-related Economics. In the 20th century, with the development and growth of business schools in America and Europe, the dynamics of business administration changed. With more research conductedRead MoreThe Problem Of International Business842 Words   |  4 Pages International business c Trade occurring between one or more countries worldwide. Balance of trade Difference in value of a countries imported and exported goods. Balance of payments Also known as BOP, is the monitoring of all international money transactions during specific times. Global dependency The dependency of one nation to another. Competitive advantage The advantage a company has over its competitors, allowing them to achieve greater

Hrm Procter Gamble Free Essays

string(69) " is one of the largest packaged consumer goods company in the world\." Human resource management is a vital part to any business striving to be successful in the world. Every business has a way that they like their business to be ran. Human Resource management is the â€Å"policies, practices, and systems that influence employee’s behavior, attitudes, and performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm: Procter Gamble or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Without human resource management many companies would simply not be able to function correctly. Human resource management deals with every practical part that has to do with people in general. It depends on the employees of a company to want their company to be a success.It is always a team effort to make sure everything is right and acceptable. This paper explores the different aspects of human resource in a company. It details the relationship between human resource strategies and business strategies. It shows specific strategies that will benefit a company’s overall objective. The strategic partner is discussed greatly in the paper. The paper discusses the situation where the strategic manager reports to the CEO or in some cases where it does not. Procter and Gamble is the company that will be discussed in regards to its business and human resource strategies.There are key competencies that the strategic manager must follow to assess what is needed to develop programs for a company. The career path for a senior executive is also discussed. | The human resource department of a company usually formulates more than one strategy. They all come together for one purpose and that is the success of the company. In order to advance to an actual strategy a company’s human resource department must go through many steps devising. A company’s human resource strategy usually consists of many things such as, what the company, employees, and sometimes their customers need.The relationship between human resource strategies and business strategies aids in the outcome of the company’s goals. One of the main goals of human resource management is to make sure that the company’s human resource provides a competitive advantage over other companies. There are many problems that exists that cause human resource management to choose other routes for the company. The strategies the company chooses can be â€Å"the specific adjustments and actions taken to deal with a particular situation. † That is the reason there is always more than one strategy in business. For every problem, a new solution is needed to solve it.The human resource strategy and business strategy go hand and hand. Human resource typically is what helps the company’s business strategy to come together. The human resource department decides on recruitment, compensation, recruiting, training and development and also evaluating performance. Human resource has to make sure the company is competitive in relation to other companies in their spectrum. â€Å"Competitiveness is related to company effectiveness, â€Å"which means that a company must make sure that all people involved with their company are satisfied and receiving what they expect.Important people include stockholders, customers and employees. Stockholders generally expect to receive a return on their investment that they have purchased from the company. If the company cannot pay out stockholders then this must mean that the company is not making money. The customers expect a product of high quality or service just as good. People set high standards on products and services that they like. If they are not satisfied then the company has not succeeded in this. Without competition companies would probably never make the maximum profit that they are able to make.Competitiveness aids in helping a company go over and above the standard of what is expected. Human resource helps with this. All aspects of the company rely on the human resource strategy. Every company has a business strategy that they go by. What the company wants to focus on to be successful typically maps out their business strategy. The business strategies are usually the base of a successful business. The business strategies usually answer many questions about the company and what their expectations are for the long run.The long-term view of the company, the markets they want to pursue, what resources they need, and the main point they think about is whether they will be able to keep up and compete. The strategy a business chooses is what makes the company know how they will function. Choosing a strategy is not the end to the process, the company still has to figure out how they will apply it to the company’s way of functioning. Strategy has to be thought about on a level of what the company can do regarding the internal and external environment.The business strategy has to be able to work with both internal and external activity to be successful. Without a successful internal, there is no way the company can excel at the level that they wish to. The company uses it’s mission, goals, external and internal analysis to reach their business strategy. The relationships between human resource strategy and business strategy have reason together. They both go hand and hand with one another. People have to believe in a strategy and this requires that leaders create the right environment for the change to occur and for believing that it can.All human resource strategies are implemented with the business strategy in mind. Human resource strategies usually provide support for the business strategy. The human resource strategies and business strategies must be aligned. The aligning of the two strategies is important because it helps the company to execute its business strategy. A company’s business strategy needs certain things from human resource. The human resource strategy must be able to complete its goals to the company by providing employees that are needed to carry out the business strategy.The human resource strategy has many features that aid in the future success of the business strategy. Human resource has a major influence on business strategy. A successful business depends on how well the human resource strategy is implemented to aid in the business strategy. The Procter and Gamble Company, is one of the largest packaged consumer goods company in the world. You read "Hrm: Procter Gamble" in category "Papers" Procter and Gamble is responding creatively and competitively with branded products and services that enhance firm’s performance and their consumer’s satisfaction.Two men, William Gamble and John Procter, founded Procter and Gamble. Procter and Gamble strives to provide products and services of the best quality. Their products must be of the best standards. They strive to offer products that will take them over the competition by the customers. Procter and Gamble has come a long way from where it started in 1837. The company employs over 98,000 people and they operate in over 140 countries. Procter and Gamble first started its production by working out of a storeroom. The business began during nationwide panic and depression.But the struggling young firm survived. Cincinnati proved a sound business base because as a meat packing center, it offered plenty of fat and oil for soap and candle making. Procter and Gamble’s profit is more than some countries GDP. They produce many products from soap to baby diapers. They are a company that many people depend on. Procter and Gamble is a company that focuses on sense and value. Procter and Gamble has a strategy of touching and improving more consumers’ lives in more parts of the world. One of Procter and Gamble’s biggest functions is the idea of innovation.Procter and Gamble are known around the world for its innovation of its products. The success of Procter and Gamble comes from the company not being afraid to take risks. They have ventured and tried many products un-related to what products they began with. Procter and Gamble owns over 300 brands. Procter and Gamble has prospered by organizing around customer driven innovation. Procter and Gamble works by trying to increase how much earning per share of their company is a year. It usually starts at 4% to 6% but by the end of the year it has grown a couple of percents.This helps to show the company that they are making a profit because of the increases. Procter and Gamble work to connect with the consumer and customer. The innovation of product depends on the customer’s first experience. If they enjoy it, then Procter and Gamble have found a new loyal user. The innovation strategy is a great way for the company to achieve its overall goals. If the innovation is a success than the company has a new product that consumers and customers can get. It provides satisfaction to customers, helps with the company’s profit, and would essentially be a positive thing for the company.Procter and Gamble is a company that focuses on the good of the environment and people. There are different human resource strategies that can influence Proctor and Gamble’s ability to achieve its objective. A type of human resource strategy that provides certain compensation for workers who achieve goals for that the company has set would be effective for the company. Employees would work harder to get money when there is an essential benefit to what they are doing extra for the company. It sort of challenges the employees to work over and above what they are expected by the company.Another, type of human resource strategy would be the type of recruiting the human resource department chooses. The human resource department must recruit in places where the best people are. A company wants the best and most knowledgeable workers they can get to achieve objective. A third human resource strategy could be related to benefits to customers. Any person would love to work in that offer the best benefits for both short and long term.. With this strategy, human resource would concentrate on helping their employees. There could be many different type of programs implemented to help employees with any need they have.There are different strategies that human resource could use to obtain a company’s objective. They all must come together for the positive influence of the company. The human resource management side of an organization is important for a business. The human resource department reports to the chief executive officer or CEO as a strategic partner. The chief executive officer expects a lot from human resource. Communication is a key for the business to rely important information to higher levels of the business. The strategic partner is the person that aligns human resource management strategies to business strategies.They would typically be the person that reports all information about human resource to the chief executive officer. By reporting to the CEO, the strategic partner is building a relationship between the two. The report the strategic partner shares with the CEO is translating the human resource case into a definite plan. The role of strategic partner gives direct contact with the CEO. Human resource has the opportunity to more opinion of the expectations and challenges a company faces with direct contact with the CEO. Being a strategic partner provides the human resource department with more input in company decision.The consequences that a company might face because of the human resource not reporting to CEO could be minor or major. Depending on the company, the human resource aspect of the company not reporting to the CEO directly might cause a problem because of the lack of communication. The CEO is the person who is a top power of the company. When the human resource reports as strategic manager is shows the human resource department more about the company. They have more inside view of the company’s needs for future planning of human resource.The CEO’S opinion matters greatly when it comes to human resource and their decision. All businesses must work as a team in order to achieve their overall objectives. As stated earlier, the human resource strategy and business strategy work together. Therefore without the reporting to the CEO there might be miscommunication between what is expected from both departments. The strategic partner provides good opinions to the CEO on behalf of the human resource department. Without this connection between the strategic partner and CEO, the company might lose out on vital information needed to make it better.All employees should work together for the greater good of the company. A human resource executive must know the key competencies of business in order to develop appropriate programs for the company. There are four main competencies a human resource executive must be aware of. The first is the business competence. This is knowing all about the company. The human resource executive must be aware of the company’s financial capabilities. The business competence helps in making decisions that helps support the company’s strategic plan. This competence also deals with both monetary and nonmonetary business.The human resource executive must make decisions based on the amount of money available but also make decisions about other issues that do not require money. The next competence would be the professional and technical knowledge aspect of business. The human resource executive should know everything that regards to human resource management practices. They need to know everything and keep up with new programs and plans being applied to human resource departments. The human resource executive must be able to know what new programs can be used to benefit the company.The human resource executive also must be equipped in the ability to change. The HR executive must keep up with any change in the company. One minor change within the company’s strategy causes every department to change in a way. Changes might cause problems for departments. The human resource executive must be able to oversee these problems and choose the most efficient way to solve. The final thing the human resource executive must know is the integration competence. The human resource executive must be able to bring together all the competence to ensure the company’s value is up.All parts of the company’s human resource should work together to ensure the goal they are seeking to meet. With the knowing the different competencies for human resource, the executive should be able to develop different risk management programs for the company. The human resource executive should be very knowledgeable about the company and the external environment in order to assess what is needed. There are many jobs available in the field of human resource management with many different salary ranges. Of course, the top paying human resource job ould be senior human resource executive. A college degree and postgraduate work are what most workers of the human resource profession have. Many companies train beginning human resource workers by letting them work in different departments of the business. When they eventually move up in the HR department they have a sense of how the business is ran. The path to being a senior human resource executive comes with time and experience. A person must always start at the bottom and make their way to the top. There are many HR jobs available with different specialization.A person must climb the corporate ladder in order to become a senior HR executive.References Anonymous. â€Å"Strategic HR Review. † Chicago: Jan/Feb 2005. Vol. 4, Iss. 2; pg. 6, 1 pgs. Bates, Steve. â€Å"FACING the future. † HRMagazine 47. 7 (2002): 26. Business Source Elite. EBSCO. Web. 28 Apr. 2010 Berger, Lance A. â€Å"Anatomy of a successful HR executive. † HR Focus 75. 3 (1998): 11. Business Source Elite. EBSCO. Web. 28. Apr. 2010. Harrington, Siam. â€Å"Human Resources. † London: Apr 2007. Pg. 25, 2 pgs. Leonard, Bill. â€Å"What Do HR Executives Want from CEOs? †. HRMagazine 43. 13 (1998): 92. Business Source Elite. EBSCO. Web. 28 Apr. 2010. Noe, Raymond. , Hollenbeck, John. , Gerhart, Barry. , Wright, Patrick. Human Resource Mangement: Gaining a competitive advantage. 5th edition Saporito, Bill. â€Å"Making P amp; G New and Improved. † Time International (South Pacific Edition) 16 (2008): 53. Business Source Elite. EBSCO. Web. 27. Apr. 2010. Strategy, Goals amp; Progress. Procter amp; Gamble. www. PG. COM (26. Apr. 2001) â€Å"What CEOs Want From HR. † HR Focus 79. 9 (2002): 1. Business Source Elite. EBSCO. Web. 28 Apr. 2010. How to cite Hrm: Procter Gamble, Papers

The Image Culture Essay Sample free essay sample

In the Article â€Å"The Image Culture† ( 1976 ) Christine Rosen negotiations about how our civilization has grown from a words civilization to an image civilization. â€Å"A diminution from a universe ruled by the nuance and contemplation of words on paper. † How we may happen ourselves in a universe where our ability to pass on is stunted. our apprehension and credence of what we see questionable and our desire to convey civilization from one coevals to the following earnestly compromised. The Image Culture informs us of how engineering and movie has come a long manner and besides informs us of how society has changed due to images and digital media. When cameras were foremost invented it was a simple image in black and white. you peeled off a movie screen and you had an image. Over clip movie has developed into films. media. and images. The media shows us life as it is go oning all over the state. We will write a custom essay sample on The Image Culture Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page which is extremely developed from the old black and white still image from the yesteryear. But has the development of Imaging hurt our society? In the yesteryear we used to read articles. books. documents to larn. Now our society watches the intelligence. surfs the cyberspace. expression at images in a book. Yes it makes larning about what is go oning. happened or is traveling to go on easier but we lose our ability to pass on these issues in a broader sense. We don’t learn certain types of nomenclature to convey messages. We lose out on grammar and spelling. The fact that exposures and films can be doctored to relay a message that may non be wholly true leaves us oppugning what is fact and what is fiction. How can we be certain what the media is demoing us is wholly true and non merely what they want us to see to maintain us interested and desiring more? From the magazines we read and the work forces and adult females we feel we want to look like because the magazines have airbrushed their imperfectnesss and take us to believe their organic structures and faces are perfect because they used certain merchandises on the market to the intelligence and the force we see on the intelligence taking us to believe there is a whole batch of bad and non much good left in this universe. we are fooled by this modern twenty-four hours engineering of picture taking and movie.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Acid Rain (1631 words) Essay Example For Students

Acid Rain (1631 words) Essay Acid RainWhat Causes Acid Rain? One of the main causes of acid rain is sulfur dioxide. Natural sources, which emit this gas, are Volcanoes, sea spray, rottingvegetation and plankton. However, the burning of fossil fuels, such as Coal andoil, are largely to be blamed for approximately half of the emissions of thisgas in the world. When sulfur dioxide reaches the atmosphere, it oxidizes tofirst form a sulfate ion. It then Becomes sulfuric acid as it joins withhydrogen atoms in the air and falls back down to earth. Oxidation occurs themost in clouds and especially in heavily polluted air where other compounds suchas ammonia and ozone help to catalyze the reaction, changing more sulfur dioxideto sulfuric acid. However, not all of the sulphur dioxide is changed to sulfuricacid. In fact, a substantial amount can float up into the atmosphere, move overto another area and return to earth unconverted. In the following pages I willshow the effects of acid rain on: ? Effect on Trees and Soils ? Effect onLakes and Aquatic Systems ? Effect on Materials ? Effect on Atmosphere ?Effec t on Architecture ? Effect on Humans Effect on Trees and Soils One of themost serious impacts of acid precipitation is on forests and soils. Great damageis done when sulfuric acid falls onto the earth as rain. Nutrients present inthe soils are washed away. Aluminium also present in the soil is freed and theroots of trees can absorb this toxic element. Thus, the trees are starved todeath as they are deprived of their vital nutrients such as calcium andmagnesium. Not all of the sulphur dioxide is converted to sulfuric acid. Infact, a substantial amount can float into the atmosphere, move over to anotherarea and return to the soils unconverted. As this gas returns back to earth, itclogs up the stomata in the leaves, thus hindering photosynthesis. Research hasbeen made where red spruce seedlings were sprayed with different combinations ofsulfuric and nitric acid of pH ranging from 2.5 to 4.5. The needles of theseseedlings were observed to develop brown lesions. Eventually, the needles f alloff. It was also found that new needles grew more slowly at higherconcentrations of acid used. Because the rate at which the needles were fallingwas greater than the rate at which they were replenished, photosynthesis wasgreatly affected, The actual way in which these needles were killed is still notyet known. However, studies have shown that calcium and magnesium nutrients arewashed away from their binding sites when sulfuric acid enters the system. Theyare replaced by useless hydrogen atoms and this inhibits photosynthesis. Effecton Lakes and Aquatic Systems One of the direct effects of acid rain is on lakesand its aquatic ecosystems. There are several routes through which acidicchemicals can enter the lakes. Some chemical substances exist as dry particlesin the air while others enter the lakes as wet particles such as rain, snow,sleet, hail, dew or fog. In addition, lakes can almost be thought of as thesinks of the earth, where rain that falls on land is drained throughthe sew age systems eventually make their way into the lakes. Acid rain thatfalls onto the earth washes off the nutrients out of the soil and carries toxicmetals that have been released from the soil into the lakes. Another harmful wayin which acids can enter the lakes is spring acid shock. When snow melts inspring rapidly due to a sudden temperature change, the acids and chemicals inthe snow are released into the soils. The melted snow then runs off to streamsand rivers, and gradually make their way into the lakes. The introduction ofthese acids and chemicals into the lakes causes a sudden drastic change in thepH of the lakes hence the term spring acid shock. The aquaticecosystem has no time to adjust to the sudden change. In addition, springtime isan especially vulnerable time for many aquatic species since this is the timefor reproduction for amphibians, fish and insects. Many of these species laytheir eggs in the water to hatch. The sudden pH change is dangerous because theacids can ca use serious deformities in their young or even annihilate the wholespecies since the young of many of such species spend a significant part oftheir life cycle in the water. Subsequently, sulfuric acid in water can affectthe fish in the lakes in two ways: directly and indirectly. Sulfuric acid(H2SO4) directly interferes with the fishs ability to take in oxygen, salt andnutrients needed to stay alive. For freshwater fish, maintaining osmoregulationis key in their survival. Osmoregulation is the process of maintaining thedelicate balance of salts and minerals in their tissues. Acid molecules in thewater cause mucus to form in their gills and this prevents the fish to absorboxygen as well. If the buildup of mucus increases, the fish would suffocate. Inaddition, a low pH will throw off the balance of salts in the fish tissue. Saltslevels such as the calcium (Ca+2) levels of some fish cannot be maintained dueto pH change. This results in poor reproduction their eggs produced would bedama ged; they are either too brittle or too weak. Decreased Ca+2 levels alsoresult in weak spines and deformities. For example, crayfish need Ca+2 tomaintain a healthy exoskeleton; low Ca+2 levels would mean a weak exoskeleton. The Samurai: Warrior and Ruler of Ancient Japan EssayBibliographyElliott, Thomas C., and Robert G. Schwieger (Editors). The Acid RainSourcebook. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1984. Bown, William. Europesforests fall to acid rain. New Scientist. Vol. 127. August 11, 1990. p. 17Calvert, Jack G.(Editor) SO2, NO and NO2 Oxidation Mechanisms: AtmosphericConsiderations Acid Rain Precipitation Series, Volume 3. Toronto:Butterworth Publishers, 1984.